Welcome to the FencingSA member registration page.
New to fencing? Locate your nearest club to learn to fence!
Members of the following clubs should proceed to the next page to renew their membership/licence directly with FencingSA:
Adelaide University Fencing Club
Trott Park Fencing Club
Independent Fencers (no club affiliation)
Members of the following clubs will need to renew their FencingSA membership/licence via your club's portal (hyperlinked per club).
Do not proceed to the next page. Your club will not appear as an option.
Adelaide Hills Fencing Club
Adelaide Swords Club
Charles Sturt Fencing Club
Flinders Fencing Club
Inspiro Fencing Club
DISCLAIMER: ALL FencingSA members, their guardians, coaches, and competition officials
must adhere to the Australian Fencing Federation Codes of Conduct. Membership with FencingSA assumes you have agreed to this policy.