AFC#3/ Robyn Chaplin Memorial Tournament - Volunteer Roster


Thu 28 Nov 2024 17:00 — Sun 01 Dec 2024 18:00

Event information

Late registrations for this event are closed.

The event has commenced - if you haven't signed up and would still like to help, please see Dov or Alison at the venue. 

We need you!

Volunteers are needed to help us run the 2024/25 Robyn Chaplin Memorial Tournament – Australian Fencing Circuit (AFC#3) - a national event for open and veteran fencers. Click here for more information about the event, including schedule and entry information.  

Held at the Lights Friday 29 November - Sunday 1 December, we need volunteers in the roles listed below. 

If you have time you can spare over the weekend, click on "register" to sign up for one of the roles and times. 

Contact for more information about volunteering. 

Role Times Required Description
Set up

From 5pm Thursday 28 Nov 

Similar to state comps - laying pistes and cables, setting up the venue. 
Pack up  From 3pm Sunday 1 Dec  Similar to state comps - packing up the pistes and other items, clearing the venue. 
Piste Collection TBC (afternoon) Thursday 28 Nov At time of opening volunteer registrations - specific times and locations to meet are still to be confirmed. 

Thurs 6-8pm 
Fri 8-9am, 10-11am, 12-2pm
Sat 8-9am, 10-11am, 12-2pm
Sun 8-9am, 10-11am, 1-2pm

Checking the fencers' equipment to ensure it meets the safety requirements. 
Full training is provided for this role, it's easier than it sounds!
Young fencers 13+ are encouraged to sign up for this (and parents too - a great way to learn about equipment!) 

First Aid

Fri, Sat and Sun, morning/lunch/afternoon shifts. 

Being present in the venue, on call for any first aid incidents. We have a kit, and access to The Lights' first aid room. Requires a valid First Aid Certificate and a copy must be provided to FSA.

Update: as of 12/11, only Friday morning and lunch shifts remain vacant.  


NB. On the following page, it will say "FREE" under each shift type. Please disregard this, it's a quirk of the system. 


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