Equipment Requirements



Please note that by its very nature fencing is a contact sport, and no protective equipment is infallible. The better quality fencing equipment, which meets FIE standards, cannot completely remove the chance of fencers sustaining serious injuries however it can greatly reduce the risk and all competitors are encouraged to use such equipment even when the listed minimum requirements are lower.

Additionally the use of blades which have not been approved by the FIE is strongly discouraged. Blades which have been approved by the FIE have been shown to be much safer than others. For the safety of other competitors and yourself you are strongly encouraged to use only blades which meet FIE approval.

The FencingSA Board will regularly review the latest FIE rulings and determine which of these will be applied at state level.
Amnesty periods will be applied at the Board's discretion for newly changed equipment rulings, these will be communicated on the FencingSA website. 
Please contact for any equipment requirement clarifications. 

Clear body wires are not compulsory at state level, but may be implemented by the AFF in the near future, so are highly recommended for any fencers making purchases of new equipment. 

Please refer to the quick reference chart and comprehensive categorised listings below.

FSA Equipment Policy Chart (PDF)

FIE Material Rules (November 2023)


Note: These are FencingSA's minimum equipment standards for State Competitions.

Equipment is expected to be in good repair; FencingSA reserves the right to remove fencers from competition if gear is deemed to be unsafe or unfit for purpose.

National competition equipment standards may differ (see this page for clarification).

As always - communicate with your coach or club armourer for advice.




Open-A Grade Competition

All fencers in Open-A events are required to wear the following equipment:

  • 1600N FIE certified Mask (General m.25.7, Foil m.27.1, Epée m.30.1, Sabre m.32.1)
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 July 2024. 
  • 800N FIE certified Jacket
  • 800N FIE certified Plastron
  • 800N FIE certified Breeches
  • Knee length socks
  • Fencing Glove (Sabre - Conductive Glove or Cuff required)
  • Chest Protector (Females)
    • Soft chest protector in foil is strongly recommended, and will be compulsory from 1 July 2025 for Open-A events. 
  • Lamé (Foil & Sabre)
  • Head Lead (Foil & Sabre )

The following notes apply in Open-A Competitions:

  • All equipment and uniforms must be of FIE approved standard and possess the FIE label (S2000 for sabre weapons). 
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests, any weapon which fails will incur a yellow card.

Open-B Grade Competition

All fencers in intermediate events are required to wear as a minimum the following equipment:

  • 350N Fencing Mask
    • NOTE: 1600N (FIE) masks are recommended
    • Foil - Lamé bib required
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 July 2024. 
  • 350N Jacket
  • 350N Plastron
  • 350N Breeches
  • Knee length socks
  • Fencing Glove (Sabre - Conductive Glove or Cuff required)
  • Chest Protector (Females)
  • Lamé (Foil & Sabre)
  • Head lead (Foil & Sabre)

The following notes apply in Open-B Competitions:

  • All weapons must be of FIE approved standard and possess the FIE label (S2000 for sabre weapons).
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests, no fencer may fence with a weapon which fails, however no penalty card will be given for weapons which fail.

Veteran Competition

All fencers in Veteran events are required to wear as a minimum the following equipment:

  • 350N Fencing Mask
    • NOTE: 1600N (FIE) masks are recommended
    • Foil - Lamé bib required
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 July 2024. 
  • 350N Jacket
  • 800N (FIE) Plastron
  • 350N Breeches
  • Knee length socks
  • Fencing Glove (Sabre - Conductive Glove or Cuff required)
  • Breast Plate (Females)
  • Lamé (Foil & Sabre)
  • Head lead (Foil & Sabre)

The following notes apply in Veteran Competitions:

  • All weapons must be of FIE approved standard and possess the FIE label (S2000 for sabre weapons).
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests, any weapon which fails will incur a yellow card.

U20 & U17 Competition

All fencers in intermediate events are required to wear as a minimum the following equipment:

  • 350N Fencing Mask
    • NOTE: 1600N (FIE) masks are recommended
    • Foil - Lamé bib required
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 July 2024. 
  • 350N Jacket
  • 800N (FIE) Plastron
  • 350N Breeches
  • Knee length socks
  • Fencing Glove (Sabre - Conductive Glove or Cuff required)
  • Breast Plate (Females)
  • Lamé (Foil & Sabre)
  • Head lead (Foil & Sabre)

The following notes apply in Under 20 and Under 17 Competitions:

  • All plastrons and weapons must be of FIE approved standard and possess the FIE label (S2000 for sabre weapons).
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests, any weapon which fails will incur a yellow card.

U15 Competition

All fencers in U15 events are required to wear as a minimum the following equipment:

  • 350N Fencing Mask
    • NOTE: 1600N (FIE) masks are recommended
    • Foil - Lamé bib required
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 July 2024. 
  • 350N Jacket
  • 350N Plastron
  • 350N Breeches
  • Knee length socks
  • Fencing Glove (Sabre - Conductive Glove or Cuff required)
  • Breast Plate (Females)
  • Lame (Foil & Sabre)
  • Head lead (Foil & Sabre)

The following notes apply in Under 15 Competitions:

  • FencingSA strongly recommends the use of FIE certified swords possessing the FIE or S2000 label
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests. Any weapon which fails will NOT incur a yellow card.

U9, U11, U13 & Schools Competition

All fencers in Under 9, Under 11, Under 13 and Schools competitions events are required to wear the following equipment as a minimum:

  • 350N Fencing Mask
    • 1600N (FIE) masks are recommended
    • Lamé bib not required
    • "Double velcro" closure per m25,7.f will be compulsory from 1 January 2025. 
    • Leon Paul X-Change Masks which normally require an additional strap as per current FIE regulations are not enforced at this level of competition.
  • 350N Jacket
  • 350N Plastron
  • Breeches with long socks or full length tracksuit pants
    • Leggings are not deemed suitable protection
  • Fencing Glove
  • Chest protector (female fencers - all weapons; male fencers - epee only, recommended in other weapons)
  • Lamé (Foil & Sabre)

The following notes apply to weapons in U9, U11, U13 & Schools Competitions:

  • U9 All weapon sizes restricted 0-3
  • U11 Epée weapon sizes restricted 0-3, Foil fencers may use any weapon sizes 0-5
  • U13 Epée fencers may use any weapon sizes 0-5
  • All foils and epées will be subjected to weight and gauge tests, no fencer may fence with a weapon which fails, however no penalty cards will be given for weapons which fail.


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